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What is Reiki?

​Pronounced Ray-kee, it is intelligent, healing energy from the universal life force. Practitioners of Reiki are not healers, they are channels for the energy and it is the recipient, who causes the energy to flow.


The client pulls the healing energy through the practitioner and it goes to wherever it is needed. The more in need of the healing, the stronger the energy will flow. It is a beautiful, safe, compassionate energy that cannot be used for ill. Reiki always works for the good of the Higher Self, so no harm through its use can befall anyone who channels it or receives it.


Reiki is not a religion, it has no dogma. It is a force for good and works on many levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is suitable for all ages, for all time, for past, present and future, for all beings. You do not have to believe in it to feel the benefits. There are 5 precepts which good practioners adhere to, which all start with the words Just for Today: I will not worry, I will not be angry, I will be grateful, I will do my work honestly and I will be kind to every living thing. Great words to live by for anyone :-)


Reiki is wonderful for self healing, to use on animal friends, to give to plants, the food you eat, enhance your medicines, cleanse and purify your water, your home, your crystals, anything you want to use it for really. You can do no harm with Reiki, you cannot overdose on it, there is no limit to the number of ways it can be used, or how much you can use it. Learning Reiki can be a step on the path to enlightenment for many, it can benefit your life in so many ways.


In order to ensure that standards remain high, there is a membership body for practioners, Reiki NZ Inc. You can be assured that members adhere to a strict code of ethics and a set of standards as can be seen on the website All practitioners must prove their certification in order to be accepted.

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