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Veganism - Why do it?

​What we eat is something we have complete control over, unlike other things such as the availability of public transport etc. Every thoughtful step taken to reduce your carbon footprint, is a step in the right direction and many people making small changes in their lifestyle, will have a big impact on the planet.


Veganism remains a minority viewpoint in our Western society, even now, when so much more is known about the way animals are treated, the effect of animal agriculture on the environment and our health, yet still most people are not willing to change their habits. And that is all that eating animals is, a habit, and one that is easily changed.


Being kind to every living thing certainly means not eating them, and it means not breeding animals into existence just so we can have a sandwich. There are so many plants on the planet that are delicious to eat and require no processing. So many fruits and vegetables can be eaten right out of the garden, just brush off any dirt and munch on it. Surely this is a more healthy way to eat? It's certainly what our stone age ancestors did.


So many resources go into the production of meat and dairy, which are rapidly running out. However a vegan will use just one sixth of these resources,  Every year, in spite of our growing knowledge, we are eating ourselves out of our home. We clearly cannot continue to live in the manner we do, there needs to be huge changes in how we do things and how we live.


Each meal eaten that is plant-based saves an animal's life, saves suffering and encourages compassion. Some of you will be thinking that plants are living things too and that is true. However, our food plants actively want to be eaten, they grow fruits so we can eat them and spread their seeds. Wheat and rice have become the most abundant grains on the planet, thanks to their coercing us to plant them in such quantities.


Animals on the other hand, do not want to be eaten. They run from the hunter, cry at the abattoir and do their best to protect their babies from harm. They have emotions, just as we do, they are sentient beings and deserving of our love and compassion.


The good news is that there is so much help and information available to us. The Vegan Society of Aotearoa has their 21 day Easy Vegan and a Pasifika challenge, with daily recipes and tips emailed, a Facebook mentor group, where we can meet other new vegans and ask questions to experienced vegans and dieticians; it provides a shopping list and meal plans, so we can see what is for dinner.


​Rainbowclaire is happy to help you go vegan. Contact them and let them know what dishes you want to veganise or what help you need to go vegan.

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